Wednesday, 21 January 2015


I had an orthopaedic filled day today! It involved watching a few surgeries and sitting in the fracture clinic with the trauma consultant.

I never really considered orthopaedics as a field that I could go into. Stereotypically, I wouldn't get very far because of my size. I mean, how will someone as small as me hammer and screw into the human skeleton...

It was fascinating looking at all of the equipment that was laid out on the table today. I have never seen so much metal work that were available for the surgeon to use to manipulate to his/her will. Watching the surgeon work was like watching an artist create a masterpiece. Hours of dedication and meticulous planning to produce the desired outcome in order for the patient to have a better quality of life.

Surgery has always been something that I've been seriously considering and after today, I am 97.5% sure that I still want to follow this path. That's not to say that in a few months time I'll change my mind and want to do something completely different... The beauty of medicine is that the options and oppurtunities are endless

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