It's been a month since I've lasted posted on my blog and that's pretty disgraceful. I know that you've all been dying to know what I've been getting up to but in all honesty, I just haven't been able to think of anything interesting to write about.
I've recently started my GP placement and also changed my hospital rotation to a nearby town. Which means getting up at 6:00 in the morning, travelling for an hour and a half and then getting back home at 18:30 only to collapse onto my bed exhausted from a long day.
Every Tuesdays and Wednesdays, a bunch of medical students can be found scattered along different bus stops around the city. Waiting to be picked up by the coach that is like a second home to all of them. As each student boards the bus, they stumble along to a seat and with a yawn, they drift off into sleep; in the hope that it will re-energize them before they start their day. Strangely enough, by now everyone can sense the proximity of the hospital building because as soon as the coach pulls in, everyone wakes up in unison. Sounds of people stretching and yawning fills the air as everyone gathers their stethoscopes and bags together and makes their way towards the building. Once inside, it's a mad rush to put everything in our lockers and sign in; then to be hypnotized by the smell of coffee that drifts from the canteen. After stimulating the nervous system, it's time to find willing patients to clerk and hunt down junior and senior doctors to present cases to.
I thought that getting into medical school would be the hardest part of my long career. But each day brings its own challenges. Then again, this keeps things interesting because you never know what you have to face when you wake up every morning.
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